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33. Becker G.S. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special

Reference to Education. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.

34. Bell D. The Comimg of Post-Industrial Society 1973.

35. Berelson B., Steiner G.A. Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings. NY,

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36. Bourdieu P., Passeron J.-C. Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. L.,

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38. Coleman J.S. The Family,the Community, and the Future of Education // Education and

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41. Conway S. The Reproduction of Exclusion and Disadvantage: Symbolic Violence and

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43. DavisK., Moore W.E. Some Principles of Stratification // Bendix, Lipset ...

44. Doyle D.P. The Social Consequences of Choice: Why It Matters Where Poor Children go

to School // The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, 1996, July 25. P. 1-8.

45. Dornbusch S.M., WoodK.D. Family Processes and Educational Achievement //

Education and the American Family: A Research Synthesis. / ed. by Weston W.J. NY, London: New York University Press. 1989. P. 66-95.

46. Erickson B.H. Culture, Class, and Connection // American Journal of Sociology, 1996,

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47. Granovetter M. Economic Action and Social Structure: The problem of Embeddedness //

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48. HallinanM.T., Kubischek W.N. Conceptualizing and Measuring School Social Networks

// American Sociological Review, 1999, Vol. 64, No. 5, P.687-693.

49. Halsey A.H., Heath A.F., Ridge J.M. Origins and Destinations: Family, Class, and

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50. Jencks Ch. et al. Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in

America. Penguin Books, 1975.

51. Klasen S. Social Exclusion and Children In OECD Countries: Some Conceptual Issues. //

Paper presented for an OECD expert seminar on Childhood Social Exclusion (CERI),

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